I’m 5’3 and currently weigh 150 pounds. My weight has been something that I’ve struggled with for most of my life but I recently lost 50 pounds and I’m actually sort of proud of myself for actually going through with my health goals.

Well, that was until last night. I went out with some of my friends and while we were out I saw this guy that I thought he was cute. I pointed him out to one of my friends and she told me that I should try talking to him. Six months ago I would’ve never done anything like that but I was feeling confident so I decided to shoot my shot.

I walked up to him and I told him that I liked his shirt. It’s a lame compliment, I know, but I was just trying to find a way to talk to him. He glanced at me, then looked at his friend and smirked. Then he turned to me and said “look I don’t date fat girls”.

Like, I know I’m not skinny but he didn’t have to crush my spirits like that. People like what they like, and I won’t be offended if you don’t want to date me but that doesn’t give you the right to be mean. So when you’re rejecting someone, please consider their feelings and let them down gently.

  1. We’ll you can at think that you dodged that bullet ass dick boy POS. Congratulations on loosing that much weight!!!! That’s a huge accomplishment!! Idk if your now 100? Or 150, but if your 100 you’re right on the money of healthy to height. Or you’re so close! Either way that guy was a dipshit.

  2. I’d take this as a (very bad) reflection on him, not on you. I haven’t seen him but I feel I can describe him accurately: cocky, rude, selfish, obnoxious, and lacking intelligence and manners. Is this the type of guy you want? Hopefully not. The trash took itself out.

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