TL;DR should i let my short term tinder flings partner know the pos he is? or atleast what he said about her?

long story short, we met in our home country in brazil. i’m from florida and he’s from ny. we got in a huge fight because he laced a cig with weed and in the morning grabbing my stuff he grabbed me and left a bruise so i threw his phone out the window.

we probably only spent 4 days and sleepovers together. he was going back to new york to figure things out with his life and i realized he had a girlfriend this whole time.

he spoke so bad about her, calling her ugly and how she was mean and he broke it off. and how he’s slept with people because sex should be celebrated with everyone. he compared me to her saying i’m perfect and his type yada yada (this girl loooks different than i do but is gorgeous) the typical stereotypical guy. i go on her instagram as i find it and see he’s taken her to the same spots he begged to take me before the disaster happened. i see they’re back tg now in NYC

we also had consensual sex during my period and told me not to worry because i couldn’t get pregnant.

i want to message her kindly and not long, just telling her to be careful and how he spoke poorly of her yada yada. am i wrong for this? it was a short term tinder fling but i think she deserves to know

can someone help me with advise please! what would you do ?

  1. So you didn’t know until the last day he had a gf or you knew the entire time? And being on your period doesn’t prevent you from getting STDs which I’d be concerned about given this guys seems pretty liberal with his sexual decisions.

  2. This dude is a huge mess and I promise you she already knows who his messy ass is.

    Block him, get an std test, don’t have unprotected sex with crazy men anymore, and move on with your life being thankful he’s not in it.

  3. I think it’s important to let her know, but be prepared for any backlash that may come your way. Make sure you approach the situation with empathy and understanding towards her feelings.

  4. Uhhh I’d stay out of it personally. I’m sure she’s well aware he’s trash, and I’m not sure why you need to insert yourself into the disaster that is his life.

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