So my (27f) college friend of 4-5 years (27m) is exhausting to be around.

We connected so amazingly on our humour level and just the way we think. We got a bit of dark humour out of each other.

But then it for toxic soon. He’d say demeaning things to me and I’d say to him.

I started my business. He didn’t acknowledge it. Follow my Instagram page or anything. And he follows and post stories about all his other friends businesses or any career oriented stuff.

I didn’t pay much kind to it coz I had already stopped talking much with him.

Then he started a new thing, he’d tag me on posts on our fellow friend’s business page. Just publicly comment and tag me. And I already follow their page and like their stuff anyways.

I know him so well I know he’s doing this to show oh look she’s doing so well in her career. Or am I overthinking this?

Tl;dr -Is my (27f) gay best friend (27m) being toxic by publicly tagging me in our friends business posts while not even following/liking my own business Instagram page?

  1. Two things:

    1. Why does the fact that he’s gay bear on the problem enough that it’s even worth mentioning, and

    2. If being in a friendship with him is costing you more in emotional energy than it’s worth, considering whatever it is that you are getting out of the relationship, you are not required to continue being friends with him.

    Have people in your life who make your life *better*. If people do *not* make your life better, move on.

  2. It definitely sounds like he’s trying to put you down and make himself feel better about his own life. You deserve friends who will support your success, not try to tear you down.

  3. What does him being gay have to do with anything? Unless you randomly point it out a lot and that’s the reason he couldn’t care less to support you?

  4. Wtf does his sexuality have to do with this? Also maybe you should grow ip, if your business is worth it then you shouldn’t need to rely on clout from ppl you know.

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