What are your thoughts on classical music?

  1. Like Beethoven? It’s nice to have as background music when I’m trying to focus on studying or doing art.

  2. Don’t like it and typically don’t like the ppl who listen to it. I’m generalizing ofcorse, but the ones I have met think way too highly of themselves

  3. Something I’ve always enjoyed, but I tend to feel like I’m not “qualified enough” or “expert enough” to have an opinion, because my knowledge is limited, I don’t have a lot of comparison points, and while I like it K don’t listen to it as often as other music genres.

    Having a partner who’s super into classical music but not a snob about it has really helped ! I’ve discovered that my opinions about pieces I like and dislike, musicians I appreciate and don’t connect to as much, are completely valid, and I can have fun liking what I like regardless of expert opinions, just like I do with other types of music

  4. Love some, hate some. It depends what kind of classical music and who plays it. Ayako Ishikawa playing Paganini? Yes please. Vivaldi? No, thank you.

  5. Indian classical: some r gr8 while most r….not my cup of tea

    Western classical: most r gr8 & some r not my cup of tea. My faves: spring from four seasons by Vivaldi, flight of the bumblebee & canon in d

  6. Its really good to study with! I had a teacher always play it quietly in the background because she read that it helps with studying so I took that on with me into college and even now when I’m reading.

  7. Love it. Great in the background when I don’t want to think. YourClassical does a solid job with curated streams for different vibes

  8. I love classical music. Like it has been said some compositions are appealing other compositions are not. I was in band as a student so I totally respect the work that goes into getting that many people in a symphony to act as one. I also like skull crushing death metal so riding with me can be quite the adventure.

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