I’m (M30) and my GF is (F28). Been together 6 years. Recently I’m getting Signals that she wants more alone time or to be with her friends more. I’ll hardlly hear from her when she’s out but anytime we’re together she’s glued to her phone texting others. She’s made it fairly clear more with her actions than her words that I don’t make her happy. However because she’s shutting down the conversation if I try and discuss our feelings and try to understand what she wants from this relationship, I feel like I’m living a life of guess work. Part of me wants to shower her with affection like a hopeless romantic. The other part of me feels like I should give her space, however without knowing what she wants and with a fairly sudden change to the relationship dynamic recently I feel like I’m just waiting around for her to make her mind up on us. It’s like a horrible limbo when you’re unsure how to act but you know that you want to do what you can to salvage things/make her happy but in reality you’re living every day in fear that she’s growing more tired of you.

Tldr. Change to the relationship dynamic, not very affectionate and I’m seen as a problem accessory to her life. I just want to make her happy but unsure how to act/make her happy.

1 comment
  1. You are going to have to sit down and talk to her about everything and what is going on. There’s no easy way around that. Just have to talk it all out.

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