Throwaway cause some people might know my real account and don’t want mentioned people to find this =)

Let me preface this by saying I’m very bad at these kinda things, I can talk to girls easily and usually have confidence in my self and can keep up communicating for a bit but usually it falls off after without any results (I’ve been to a few dates but never had a real relationship, I think I’m a bit afraid of commitment) . Also everyone in this post is around early twenties university students.

So a bit more than a week ago I went to my friends whos my classmates birthday party that was at a laser tag place where he had invited alot of people (around 40) and I was enjoying my time playing and meeting new people when I started talking to this one girl that is a friend of his, we vibed pretty good and she went home after the games while rest of us went to a pub but we exchanged social media before she left (snap and insta). Fast forward a week we have now been sending each other a lot of messages, vibing, responding fast to each other, learning more about each other and seemingly interested in each other but we haven’t met since we both have upcoming tests and such and been busy.

So today I said screw it, I usually don’t make a move and that’s why people also lose interest so I said to my self I kinda like her she seems like she’s into me lets ask her out to the cinema after we both are done with our tests, I send a snap talking about how fun cinema after test would be and she says yeah cinema would be super fun so I take that as my conformation and basically ask “are you free friday? how about we go to the cinema then” and this is where I’m struggling she says shes busy friday but would love the weekend or week after but then she adds “do you think “name” (our common friend and host of the party I met this girl) would also like to go to the cinema and join us?” so me being dumb dumb went ” yeah he likes those kinda things he probably could” but inside I’m thinking does she want him there since its our first time meeting outside of party context and wants him there for safety or does she like him and want this as an opportunity .

I’m not sure how to feel and what to do and thats why I’m writing here any help or opinions or PoV from other people been through this appreciated

1 comment
  1. I think she’d appreciate knowing your intentions. Just tell her you want it to be a date. That is the whole point after all, is it not?

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