Just Curious in your opinion how long do you think Newly Relationships last problems arise & a breakup?

  1. Every relationship is completely different,

    All people and situations are different so it really is impossible to have an answer

  2. You’ve oversimplified.

    It’s NEVER that cut and dry, such that you can call it from the beginning.

    You start with the electric, tingly, beauty that is clicking with someone.

    You HOPE that it lasts, and then it’s really about how you settle differences and how you spend time together.

    There’s limited insight into the ending and once a person has some, they should probably bail.

  3. How long new relationships last? Kind of a weird question, you could say that there are a lot of “relationships” that end before they even start because of how fuzzy the boundaries are. I’m sure there are plenty of relationships though that do actually reach the commitment phase that last quite a while. I’m still relatively young, but out of college so I would say over couple years is typically that long.

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