My friend “Paul” (26m) whom I’ve had a on/off friendship with since highschool, re-entered my life 5 years ago and we became good friends since that don’t talk so much. He was a groomsmen at my wedding 3 years ago. I was just told that I’m a groomsmen for his upcoming wedding. All is great for a week.

We all are participants in a playstation group voice chat, the groom, groomsmen, and others; that we all hop on and off throughout the day. One time, I enter the chat and a joke/statement is made that makes me feels unwanted and I ask if they’d rather I go; they told me it was unnecessary, and despite it being uncomfortable for a second, we moved on and continued to have a good chat. Two days later, my friend “Remy” (25m), tells me that he was in a chat with all of the party, without me, where they were insulting me for 3-5 minutes, saying that I was annoying and that they wouldn’t enter the chat if it was just myself there, etc.

The wedding is in 6 months; I was just told this information, so I’m not sure how to navigate. Given the scenario, I’m starting to feel that I was chosen as a groomsmen out of obligation for me having him as a groomsmen. I’m wondering if I should ask the groom about this, because if they’d prefer to have someone else over me for a more comfortable wedding party, I’m all for it. Remy would prefer that I don’t say anything about it as he thinks it’d bounce back at him for telling me. That being said, I’m at a loss of what to do. I’m not mad nor do I want to cause drama; I want the best for Paul, but if Paul and the others feel this way about me, I don’t want to drag the wedding party down by being there out of obligation. Any advice?

**tldr: groom and groomsmen insulted me behind my back, and if that’s how they feel, I want to give the option to replace me if that means a better wedding party for them, but I don’t know if I should even bring up that I heard this to the groom.**

  1. “Hey friend – I’ve been feeling a bit uncomfortable with you/your groomsmen …”

    Have that conversation.

    And instead of wanting what is best for Paul, want what is best for you. If the best for you is to pull out of being in the wedding party, pull out of being in the wedding party.

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