How do you feel and what do you say when someone decides to ask if you’re single from their vehicle when you’re walking alone during the day?

  1. Nahhh that’s weird and trashy. If they gave me a compliment and then asked me out when we met on the street I’d be flattered, but I can’t imagine anything more off-putting than someone hanging out of their car and choosing “are you single” as their one and only line.

    I wouldn’t say anything, just ignore them and keep going on my way.

  2. I feel annoyed, and I go out of my way to ignore them. Unless they’re about to walk into an open manhole or something, don’t call out to strangers from moving vehicles!

  3. Pretend I don’t hear them and then move towards other people if I’m not already in a very public place. I’ve had hard objects and drinks thrown at me twice by men in those situations when I didn’t respond in the way they wanted.

  4. That depends, are they hanging out the passenger side of their best friend’s ride?

  5. Annoyed. I don’t say a damn thing to any moron who would do that. I have turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

  6. Ignore them if I feel relatively safe to do so.

    If I feel very, very safe, yell at them to fuck off, flip a double bird at them, and walk off.

    If I feel unsafe, interact as minimally and politely as possible until I can get to a safer location or get them to leave me alone.

  7. Ignore them and move off of that street when I’m able to do so.

    When I was in college, I had one car park, and its catcalling occupants follow me into a Target store. I went to chat with the security officer there, meaning i simply asked about his day and made small talk, and they thankfully scampered.

  8. I go into self defense mode: no verbal response, but look then directly in the face with a glare and “I will be able to describe you to the police” face, take a pic and upload to the cloud. Get a good grip on my purse, preparing to use to hit and entangle. If he hasn’t moved along at this point, I’m slipping out of heels and hanging back to get pic of license plate. If his car is stopping, I’m running and screaming.

  9. Annoyed, uncomfortable, and a little nervous. I usually pretend I can’t hear them and keep walking. It’s one of the main reasons I keep my headphones on when I’m walking outside.

  10. Oh, so when someone catcalls me because they think a woman out walking by herself is public property and they want to stake their claim or make me feel unsafe?

    I ignore them. Not worth my time. If their shouting is really egregious, I might give them a face like they’re the turd I discovered at the bottom of my coffee, but even that’s more effort than they’re worth.

  11. I’d feel severely uncomfortable and I’d either say “no thank you” and walk away as fast I can, run away in the opposite direction, pretend I’m talking to someone on the phone, or ACTUALLY call someone and tell them what’s going on, or enter the nearest market/store/restaurant and wait for them to go away or tell an employee about my situation.

  12. Best to stay calm, keep on moving and pretend they are not there. There are a couple of times when I’ve felt nervous on the street and just headed towards other normal people.

  13. It always makes me wonder I go they’ve EVER had a successful experience this way. Like what’s making you think this is a good tactic?

  14. I’d feel pleased (“Oh, I look THAT good today…”), my answer would depend on the looks of the guy.

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