what’s your biggest turnoff?

  1. Motorcycles with a fuel tank so small you can’t even go 100 miles between fill ups.

  2. Smoking. It’s like advertising “hey, I’m bad with money, have no self-control, *and* my breath smells like death.” Instant ‘no’ from me.

  3. Being rude with people serving, lack of education with cashier’s, waiter’s, etc… Is a no no.

  4. Any comments or phrases that are anti men

    I’ve already said this loads of times but I once matched with a woman on tinder who messaged me first and when I looked at her bio which said “I think all men as assholes. Be the one to prove me wrong”.. I immediately unmatched her. Emotional abuse… NO THANKS.

  5. Self centered, tries to act too young or stuck on the last decade and isn’t moving along with the times

  6. Bad teeth. I don’t mean cavities. I mean teeth that are just all askew and fucked up.

    I know that in most cases having fucked up teeth is more a class problem than a personal failing, but I still can’t stand to look at them.

  7. Having to do too much work.

    There’s an amount of work I’m willing to do to show that I’m willing and able to play the game. I’m willing to ask questions, I’m willing to ask for her number, I’m willing to ask her on a date-date. I’m willing to do all the effort required to plan the date, arrange the tickets, pay for the date, and do my dancing clown routine so she has a good time.

    I’m not willing to put up with getting ghosted, or having to be the one who always has to message first, or getting the sense she’s testing me to prove my worth. I’m not willing to do that, and I walk away when it happens. If a woman ever decides she’s going to make me compete with someone else for her attention, he can have her. Let her go be his problem, and I’ll find somebody else.

  8. Promiscuity and or misandrists. Had a few moments in life where I was enjoying my time with an attractive young lady only to let her talk long enough to find out her true ideas. Nothing turns me off more than misandrists.

  9. Rudeness. It speaks of poor manners and even worse upbringing. If they’re an absolute monster, case closed. But otherwise you can expect their family to be just as bad therefore confirming all your suspicions.

  10. Rigid income requirements. I made the cut off —lucky me—for recent ex but it was pretty damn clear I better maintain my income level or the search begins anew. No thank you

  11. Smoking, not communicating, not willing to compromise, just being an overall douche

  12. Too much makeup, I’m fine if it’s not too noticeable but too much just doesn’t look very human in my taste.

  13. Starting arguments. Healthy disagreements are good, but if I find myself avoiding you just so i don’t have to be on the defensive about something that shouldn’t even be an issue, I will lose all attraction and it’s not gonna work out

  14. When she cheated before. Probably because i’ve got cheated on before, but that just kills 100% of the attraction i had

  15. Poor self awareness. If I have to point out how someone’s words or actions hurt me, they don’t get to say “No I didn’t.”

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