men of reddit, what has been the pettiest reason for not wanting to pursue a romantic relationship with somebody?

  1. Chewed her food with an open mouth, smacked her lips with every bite, loud and overblown slurping with soups and stuff, and open mouth belching into her food as she did this.

    It was straight out of a cartoon. I genuinely couldn’t believe it. And she wasn’t some gross person who didn’t care for herself, she was fit and beautiful and funny. She just ate like a wild animal. Went out with her three times and she did this each time

  2. Lol. Never had a petty reason. Usually its a incredibly long list and usually when I try to comunicate these red flags its meet with massive amounts of gas lighting and ‘Your abusive’. So I just shut up watch them, make a suggestion here and there and see if there is improvement. Than after I see no changes I give up and let the relationship die till she stops calling me.

  3. She reminded me of my sister.
    Went on one date, and something about her mannerisms and even how she looked really reminded me of my sister.

    I stopped the date fairly early on and just said that she’s extremely nice and down to earth but reminds me too much of someone and I don’t think I can look past it.

    She seemed saddened and contacted me a few times after but I couldn’t.

  4. I won’t date vegans anymore, it’s just a pain in the ass for both of us.

    So, I avoid that one out of the gate now.

  5. She’s too eager/puts me on a pedestal…

    It’s way too anxiety provoking for me personally, too much pressure. Especially when we’ve only dated 1 or 2 times and not exclusive.

  6. I was younger, of course. Went to her house, she was going to make dinner. Found out she invited another couple, which might have been cool.
    But than, before she went upstairs to get changed, she took the lasagna out of the freezer!!!
    Frozen lasagna!!! I couldn’t believe it.
    I left while she was up getting changed.
    Not my best moment, in retrospect.

  7. I mentioned in another thread but

    Gummy smiles…boof!

    The other day a woman tried to chat me up…which almost never happens! And she was nice enough person

    But GUMS! All I could see when she was talking were how small her teeth looked in proportion to her gums!

    I just can’t do it. I know it’s stupid, petty…beyond someone’s control and I should try to be more open minded but…I just can’t. Gummy grin is a auto-no for me dawg!

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