how often do you get hit on/flirted with?

  1. I’m too oblivious to tell.

    I’m the stereotype of not realizing I’m being flirted with until a week+ later and it being too late.

  2. I get flirted with daily assuming I leave my place. I’m not including the women I’m going out on date’s with in my flirting count.

  3. At my fittest, some. I ate nothing but salads and spent 2 hours a day in the gym. And occasionally id get light flirtting through open invitations to leave a party to bang as an opening line.

  4. I have definitely had that happen once. A girl asked me out like 5 years ago while I was working customer service. I’ll be riding that out until I die because I doubt I’ll ever get anything like that again.

  5. Never, but I wear my wedding ring every day so that could definitely be part of it.

  6. Last time I was hit on was by my last girlfriend 9 years ago. After we broke up there hasn’t been a single woman interested in me, if I found out someone was even slightly interested, they never hit on me and I only found out by others after they quit their job and I never saw them again with no way to contact them

  7. Let me see…

    Don’t think that would have happened in 41 years…. That’s how old I am, so I guess it never happened.

  8. Im a male, and get hit on quite a bit by older women. Very weird, but id say at least once a week, and by different women i don’t know. I always hear from attractive women that get hit on say(eww that pervert old guy!) but i think women as just as bad.

  9. Hitting on is male behavior and most women will absolutely refuse to act like men, they’d be more likely to pee at a urinal than hit on a guy.

    Female flirting behavior is a lot of being present and physical touch and paying overly close attention.

  10. Pretty often and to prevent it, I started wearing a wedding ring and for some reason that made it even worse… plan failed!

  11. It’s situational. At dance class/socials, all the time. Rest of my day-to-day comings and goings? Not too frequent.

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