And have you told them the truth yet?

  1. I relapsed and was getting high for the better part of a year behind her back.

    Ended up telling her shortly after my son was born when the realization of being high holding my son for the first time and not truly experiencing that moment cam crashing down.

    Approaching 5 years sober on April 1st.

  2. I had a secret pair of scissors that I used only for myself. Her & the kids ruin all the other scissors. I have since told her, but we had a good 5 year run together. Me & the scissors, that is. Wife & I are still together too. But, I do miss the scissors.

  3. That I am awesome in bed!

    Didn’t need to tell them “the truth”, they found out the truth soon enough! 🫢🤭😁

  4. Oph. Mainly it was a lie about needing to do something else when really I just wanted alone time. One time my ex partner gave me the *thrilling opportunity* to do a chore for them and I lied to say, “oh darn I can’t because I have to do x instead.” Of course I didn’t really have to do x, I just didn’t want to clean my partners crud.

    Over time they got better at guilt tripping me though… Hence ex.

    And no, I never admitted to lying.

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