What ingredients makes a cake really tasty?

  1. I’m usually a little generous with my extracts and spices, maybe an extra tsp on vanilla or a slightly overflowing spoon of spice.

  2. If you make a box cake add a pudding mix if from scratch sour cream makes chocolate cake really moist and delicious

  3. You gotta make sure you put enough salt. It fucking bugs me whenever someone under-salts/over-salts their cakes

  4. High quality butter for me! I also found that whipping my own cream cheese frosting has made me a bit of a handmade frosting snob lol…

  5. Salt. Never leave salt out of baked goods, it balances the sweet and enhances the flavors. Also add salt to your frosting

  6. If a cake has strawberry ganache on it, I will straight up fight someone for the last piece . Not really, but… strawberry ganache .

  7. Simple syrup.

    It actually makes the cake super moist and is left out of like 98% of all cake recipes. I assume professional bakers just leave that step out because they just assume it’s a given and what everyone does by default but it’s not and we don’t.

  8. Dairy free cream & milk, flaked almonds, disaronno, sugar, truffles, vanilla essence, vegan yoghurt.

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