I’ve been going to yoga classes for a while now and have noticed a girl who always comes with her friend. Every class we make eye contact, she stares at me for a few seconds(2-3 seconds) before looking away, but we never smile at each other.

After seeing her for the third time, I decided to introduce myself and ask for her name. She was receptive and smiled, but things got awkward when we didn’t know whether to shake hands or not. After we did, she just turned around packed her things and left. She didn’t even give me a chance to say anything else.

The following week, she didn’t show up to yoga, and I felt guilty, thinking that I may have made her feel uncomfortable. The same thing happened the week after, and I accepted that I may have misread the situation.

However, this week, she surprised me by showing up. She seemed more energetic and even looked my direction a few times, but I made a point of not looking at her, fearing she might think of me as a creep.

I’m interested in getting to know her better, but I don’t want to come off as pushy or make her feel uncomfortable. Has anyone been in a similar situation before? How did you handle it? Any tips on how I should proceed?

I’m not sure if I should ignore her or persist. What should I do if she looks at me again? Should I smile or approach her? Any advice would be appreciated!

  1. Just say HEY NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN after the session and see if she sparks a conversation lest you end up on ticktoc as a gym stalking pscyopath…

  2. I can’t fathom what about these interactions leads you to believe that she “seems interested.”

  3. “I’m not sure if I should ignore her or persist.”

    How about neither? Both are bad choices. There’s no indication whatsoever that she is interested, nor is there any that she’s angry or thinks you’re a weirdo, so why would either of these be an option?

    If she shows up again, just be totally normal and if you see her smile and say hi, and go right back to your yoga like it’s a normal day. If you have a shot in hell, that will make you seem like a decent, normal guy and maybe you’ve piqued her interest. If an interaction happens again, let her spark it…then you’ll know there could MAYBE be something there. If she’s standoffisih, it’s a no. If she’s just friendly but never initiates? Probably a no, so leave it and enjoy life.

  4. Ignoring women is always a good strategy. Not in the pretend she is not there way, but just don’t pay her a lot of attention.

  5. She made her point. Yoga has the same basic rules, **don’t hit on women there**. That rule probably even more stringent at yoga because it tends to be mostly women in those classes.

    If she looks your way, just nod and say hi to be polite. DO NOT persist unless you can find another yoga class. If she wants more ball is in her court. Moving on maybe your best move.

  6. She probably got sick. I would just say hi casually, if she doesn’t initiate then she isn’t interested.

  7. A smile is the most likely indicator of interest and the lack of one is the number 1 thing saying no. Imo you should have went up and asked for her name not offering yours, nice to meet you *insert name* if she then asks for yours, she is more than likely a candidate. If she just gives you hers then she may be interested etc

  8. You seem too anxious to make it not weird. Resolve to just be as friendly with her as you are with others and relax a bit. Get to know her as a friendly fellow yogi and THEN read signals. People dislike having to reject people they see all the time like at yoga, so don’t put her in that position

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