I know that this question has been asked before but based on a recent thread I think it’s an important reminder. Some of my favorite things about being a man are: no periods, strength, and the expectation of being capable.

  1. * Pee standing up, and peeing outdoors

    * Don’t need a purse. Everything I need in the day fits in normal pants pockets or IWB. If I need a little more space…boom cargo shorts. If I still don’t have enough room then I don’t really need it.

    * Never have to go to a bridal shower

    * I don’t *have* to shave

    * I really only need 4 pairs of shoes. Dress shoes, casual shoes, athletic shoes, boots of some sort. Flip flops don’t count as shoes.

  2. Strength/speed/talent

    Not overly emotional

    Aging like fine wine

    Can have kids at any age

    Value to women *increases* as you age (although probably slowly declines once you’re 50+)

  3. Definitely no periods/pregnancy is a big W

    No expectation to wear makeup or thoroughly shave every inch of my body, also a W. Way too lazy for either

    I can barely stay on top of shaving my pits/pubes

  4. No period. Watched my poor girlfriend suffer through some bad cramps and always worrying about access to tampons and/or pads.

  5. I like having a penis, it’s pretty fun. Pretty low maintenance too other than always demanding attention.

  6. Not having to deal with the pain of childbirth and period pains is one thing though.

    Actually I really like the bond men can develop through a strong friendship. I have 4 male friends I have very good friendships with and just being around them makes me feel chilled and like everything is okay.

    I love my female friends and enjoy their company but there is just something about my male friends that makes me feel at home with myself.

  7. Other than all the social and physiological advantages, I just know that I’m a man through and through. I can’t imagine myself as not a man. So being one just lets me go through my life feeling right about myself.

  8. Pee standing up, and (generally) being able to go out alone and walk around without feeling incredibly nervous about being assaulted (although I know it still can happen). And how being independent is accepted as the norm and not assumed to have to be in a relationship.

  9. Prime comes after the fun years. If you’re smart, your fun years are also where you establish yourself career and financially-wise. A man’s value increases with time since it usually depends on what he can do, not what he appears as.

    An inherent ability to learn to not give a f*ck about other people’s opinion and just roll with it. Depends on the guy, but most of the time they don’t need to make a fuss about much.

    While a lot is expected of a man from society, the opposite can also be true too if they choose to just go their own way instead. If they just do their own thing, no one comes knocking unless they want a payout.

    Friendships endure, especially deep ones. They’re (normally) cooperative instead of competitive.

  10. Everything. I accept the whole package. Good and bad both. The good can be made better through hard work and determination and the bad csn be minimalized through experience and cautious decision making.

  11. There are certain pick up lines that wouldn’t work exceptionally well when said to a man

  12. * Physical strength
    * Low expectations for dress/fashion.
    * Not plagued by hormonal issues/cycles
    * Nobody is trying to use me for sex (also a con, lol)
    * I feel safe pretty much anywhere I go
    * I don’t experience a sudden drop in attractiveness because of age (not that I was considered particularly attractive when I was younger, but at least I’ve had time to deal with it and it hasn’t changed much)

  13. Im very athletically gifted in ways that aren’t possible without male puberty, I think that’s my favorite part

  14. The fact that I’m in complete control of my destiny and personal growth.

  15. Personally I think most women have it better than most men and the average woman has a more fulfilling/better life than the average man.

    That said though a big downside being a woman is the biology they have to deal with (periods, getting pregnant, using birth control that fucks with their hormones/emotions/mental health, etc).

    Overall though if you gave me the option to be born a man or a woman, I’d pick being a woman.

  16. I know it’s not really healthy but having my emotions in control. I can’t stand people
    Be whiny/angry over minor things/generally not controlling themselves.

    Most of the time I see the picture, I separate emotions from actual things going on

    I see it extremely rarely among women. Usually they’re way too emotional for me.

  17. I’m born pretty introvert. I guess being a girl you are supposed to be more talkative and emphatic. And I’m just not like that. Suppose it’s more OK for a guy to be a lone wolf. But I’m not sure.

  18. Male camaraderie. I hypothesize that women don’t actually have close friendships or they have very few. Men are evolved to hunt whooly mammoths together

  19. I get less judgement and im generally taken more seriously, plus society likes older men more than they like older women.

  20. Dating is effortless. Women have to play the waiting game for someone desirable to ask therm out.

  21. I really like being able to roast my friends while they’re still in the room and not having to wait until they leave.

  22. Not worrying about being raped when I walk alone at night. In fact the thought has never even crossed my mind.

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