As the title asks- what’s should men in their 30’s begin to lookout for?

  1. I think I went to the doctor twice in my 30s, and once was cuz I had glass in my eye

  2. Cholesterol (lipid panel), fasting blood sugar, HbAic, and a complete metabolic panel. Basically looking at heart disease risk, diabetes risk, and general health.

  3. Have them do normal blood panels – CBC and chem plus vitamins. That’s really about it unless you have something specific.

  4. General physical exam and vitals -blood pressure making sure you’re doing self testicular exams etc and feeling comfortable talking ti your physician

    Cholesterol and basic labs

    Discuss family history of heart disease diabetes cancer etc . Now is the time to think of risk factor modification with lifestyle changes – healthy diet exercise etc (The goal is to minimize things that make you at risk for heart attack and stroke long term ie- hypertension smoking cholesterol sedentary lifestyle etc . )

    Discussing general good dietary, hygiene and exercise plans and minimizing risky sexual behaviors and trauma related behaviors

    Mental health check in and resources if needed

    Family planning concerns

    Any travel health concerns -ex overseas etc

    Making sure you’re getting yearly check ups

  5. Screenings for testicular cancer, mental illness (depression in particular), metabolic disorders (lipids and blood sugar), and high blood pressure should be covered in a routine annual physical.

  6. Source: I work in Anesthesia so I mostly see problems once they become bad enough to be surgical.

    Everyone’s mostly covered the basics with is your cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and possible hypertension.

    The two I think get overlooked for dude’s in their 30s.

    1) uncontrolled GERD (acid reflux): over time this can develop into Barrett’s which is where you continually burn your distal esophagus at the GE junction and you start getting dysplasia when it heals. These new cells can be pre-cancerous. You do not want esophageal cancer. It is fucking awful.

    2) OSA (obstructive sleep apnea): beyond feeling like shit from poor sleep quality, which can make you tired during the day, over time this will put pressure on the right side of your heart and increase your risk for pulmonary hypertension and eventually right sided heart failure.

  7. Doctors are mostly useless for health maintenance. They only care about problems *after* they arise. I had much better luck with naturopaths (provided you can find one who is actually educated and is not a quack)

  8. If you’re married, check blood pressure; if you’re single, check for STD’s!

  9. Personally, I leave that up to my doctor. But recently I’ve been thinking about getting a DNA test to check for genetic markers that indicate for certain medical issues and give my doctor a copy of the analysis print out. I think such a test costs between $600 and $800. But if it catches something before it happens that could save my life.

  10. Physical, maybe meds if needed, but mostly mental state of mind. I am 29, myself, and these are what I’m in on.

  11. Depression screening, lipid panel, sugar checks (random/fasting/a1c), familial cancers, thyroid check, vaccine boosters (especially TDAP)… your doctor will know all this and likely have ordered it already but if you haven’t been seen in a while or don’t have documentation it doesn’t hurt to ask.

  12. Ask your father and grandfathers. Do you have anything hereditary? I get screened for a cancer type they’ve all had.

  13. Low Testosterone. The basics like heart, lungs, overall health etc are easy to remember but a mans T levels drop naturally over time and most men don’t keep an eye on it or are even aware of it. T leve3ls affect just about everything a man does so maintaining a normal level is vital.

  14. It’s absolutely wild that everyone is saying anal probe. 😅
    It’s funny but mainly just wild for me bc I’ll be 33 this year and I went to multiple Drs last year bc I had surgery for a hernia repair that was the result of having to force urination the past few years (since being attacked by my ex). The ones that mentioned my prostate only did so to lmk that there’s no reason to look there bc at my age I’m def too young for that to be a problem. The urologist said it could be psychological but when I told him about the attack he suggested sending a probe down my urethra to look for scar tissue. Either way everyone was confident that it couldn’t be prostate related bc I’m “so young”. 🤔🤷‍♂️

  15. I do a skin check every year. Lots and irregular birthmarks can be a sign of skin cancer.

  16. As stated here, anything related to diet and lifestyle. Cardiovascular checkups, weight and cholesterol management, potential look into diabetes or prediabetes. I’m a 36-year-old man here, and I’m on medication for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and recently, omeprazole.

    That’s another thing. Don’t neglect any digestive system issues you have cropping up, either. GERD and ARD are both serious conditions that can damage and scar your esophagus, as well as damage your vocal chords over time if left untreated. That said, you also need to be careful with antacids, because that will lower your immunity some, especially against food- or water-borne illnesses.

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