Texted a girl and it went really good. But now not sure how to start the 2nd convo.

Do I just ask what’s up? How do I initiate 2nd text conversation

We ended the first text conversation as I said I was going to start driving.

  1. As someone who is going through heartbreak, follow your heart. If you have feelings for her tell her. Worst that can happen is she says no and you move on while they are still small. On the flip side, play it safe. Talk to her for months and months. Let your brain create fantastic realities as it tries to fill in the blanks. Then when you finally ask her, when you finally feel right about it, you put yourself at risk of true heartbreak. She could reject you, she could be dating someone else. Think about how those endings feel to you and figure out if she is worth it. If she is worth it, ask her out, tell her the truth and call it a date. Better to have liked and lost then to have loved and lost.

    Follow your heart friend 🙂

  2. Texting for the sake of texting is dumb. Texting should be used to make plans, or send memes , if you want to have a long thoughtful conversation with them, call them

  3. You could try to remember anything you guys talked about on date 1 and start it up again.

  4. ~~”Did you see my first message ?”~~

    Anything, really. Ideally something relevant to your previous conversation.

  5. Hey, I enjoyed our last adventure, would you like a repeat?

    That’s it, simple. Be yourself, Don’t over think it.

  6. How’s your day going? Literally anything “hey i reached x , what are you put to?” Lol I don’t see why you have to second guess yourself to send a text.

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