I work 9-5 working from home, but I feel so tired after work. Some days I nap straight after. I get about 7 hours sleep daily. Is there any tips/advice to avoid feeling tired?

  1. >I get about 7 hours sleep daily

    Is that 7 hours including the naps?

    If so sleep more at night.

    Wish I could take my own advice.

  2. In general: sleep more, exercise more, and eat better food.

    If it’s been happening for some time, have a chat with your GP. There are all kinds of things that can cause it, from your body simply needing more than 7 hours to serious issues that can’t be helped by Dr Reddit or Dr Google. 🙂

  3. This sounds lame but exercise and good diet helped. I found that eating a carb heavy lunch with carby snacks make me feel so sluggish so try and eat lighter. I find I don’t need a nap and sleep better at night

  4. I would say, own a dog, after work go for a walk, and exercise, run a bit or something, and take some vitamins maybe, and eat better food.

  5. Eat properly. If you eat badly you won’t have energy at the right times. Could mean you’re eating too little during the day, or too much Carby surgery stuff during the day.

  6. > I get about 7 hours sleep daily.

    Aim for 8 hours of sleep at night. So like 23:00 -> 07:00. If you drink alcohol before bed, stop doing that, since that impacts sleep quality

  7. No carbs during working hours

    Intermittent fast 16/8

    Exercise daily

    Sleep 7-8 hrs routinely

    Maintain healthy weight/diet

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