A little context: Me (15M) and my friend (15FTM, henceforth referred to as ‘Jake’) are in our first year of high school and have known each other since grade. In 7th grade, Jake told me he liked me and we entered into a ‘relationship’ until the middle of 8th, when we amicably split but remained on good terms. We’ve been just friends ever since.

Main Events: A few days ago, Jake found out that the feelings he had for his crush were not mutual. He was pretty shaken up, so I did my best to be a good friend and help him through it. I brought him his favorite candy and tried to support him, but as we were leaving class he told me he needed a hug. I answered his request and we held the hug for a good few seconds, before making our way to our separate classes. I thought about it the whole day, but had mostly disregarded it by the time school was done.

After school was done, I was at home playing video games when Jake texted me, asking if I could go to the school musical with him. I agreed, and came back to school to watch it with him. At first we were just chilling together, but by the end of our time at school we’d hugged again once, and he’d put his head on my shoulder several times. His melancholy demeanor from earlier had mostly gone away, and had initiated all but one of the head-shoulder-rests. After the play, we went to dinner together and shared a pizza before my mom drove him home as he rested his head on my shoulder one last time. Before he entered his house, he gave me one last hug.

In the following days, I’ve found myself thinking about Jake more and more, and I think I’m starting to have a crush on him. I don’t really want to tell him because of the history between us, and because of what happened with his previous crush. What should I do?

TLDR, friend/ex is starting to get more physically close to me, I’m starting to get a crush on them and I don’t know what to to.

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