I didn’t think I needed to post here but clarity under this stressful situation would help me a lot.

I (F27) left my ex (M34) at the end of 2020 after years of abuse. We met in 2015 and married in 2017. We have 2 children together and I have an older daughter from a previous relationship. He is diagnosed schizoaffective disorder. I obtained a final restraining order in January of 2021 against my ex. I have no family in the state and his parents took me and my kids in. We’re still here. I’m in my last semester of school and I already have a job lined up in my field. They’re not horrible people and I’m eternally grateful for the shelter and childcare they’ve provided me over the years. I would never have been able to get this far.

My first mistake is not blocking him immediately on Snapchat when he’d make numerous accounts. I’d very rarely respond. After spamming me this afternoon with disturbing messages (delusions) I blocked him. Usually he would just make a new account and keep messaging me. I saw on another forum that he posted a poem within an hour of me blocking him. I used many of these poems as evidence in court to obtain the restraining order in January. That is why I got a notification of his post. In the post he said “someone get me a gun,
a Fennec fucking 45
So I can blast her ass (it’s live)
Blast blast blast
Goes the spray
You won’t live
Another day”.

I know it’s stupid of me to never report him to the police when he would message me but I thought going to jail would be more detrimental to his mental health than just ignoring his messages. This was definitely a mistake. After years of abuse I kept coming up with excuses for him and felt bad for him. I still struggle to explain it. He’s not allowed to possess any weapons as per the restraining order and he’s never outright threatened my life before this. I called the non emergent line to my local police station and explained that I set him off by blocking him on Snapchat and that he’s threatened my life.

An officer comes to the house (again, I live with his parents). I speak to the officer for a few minutes when his mother comes running out the door. I told her what her son said to me. She begins getting very loud and aggressive saying her son is mentally ill and was committed twice in the last month to a mental facility. I told her that I already informed the officer. She continues and says it’s all just his delusions and he wouldn’t really do anything etc. I respond that I’m terrified. I’m in tears and shaking at this point. She laughs and scoffs saying “terrified?!” The officer asks her 6 times to go back inside the house and she begins getting even louder. The officer then asks for backup and she went back into the house. I finish my conversation with the officer in her vehicle.

The officer is very kind and compassionate. When we finish she expressed her concern for me going back into the house with the way my ex’s mother reacted. I knew by calling the police that I was digging my grave and the next 4-6 months until I can save up enough to leave would be torturous. I can’t help but think of all the women that get murdered by their significant other or ex especially with mental health issues are involved. Genuinely felt my life was in danger and I needed to keep myself and the kids safe. The officer told me repeatedly that I did the right thing and to not allow myself to doubt it for a second but I can’t help it.

When I came back into the house they were so angry with me. They were getting loud saying how could I do that and not even tell them first. How dare I? He’s just mentally Ill etc. Basically 20 questions while victim blaming. I knew they would react like this and try to convince me not to call. I retreated to my room because I was not going to allow myself to be verbally attacked especially with how stressed and devastated I was at that point. About two hours later the husband tried saying to me that they weren’t upset that I called the police. Gaslighting? I told my family about what happened and a family member posted on Facebook “The amount of frustration in being too far away from someone you love to be able to protect them and advocate for them when no one around them will even show them respect is wearing on me and I’m not sure how much longer I can tolerate it.” Don’t love playing into the passive aggression but I was thankful for the support. My ex’s mother responded back with “IF YOU ONLY HEAR ONE SIDE OF THE STORY, YOU HAVE NO UNDERSTANDING AT ALL.”

My life was threatened. What other side is there? I feel like the biggest asshole out there but also know what I did was right but now this already uncomfortable living situation is just so much worse and I’m stuck here. I don’t know how to make the next few months tolerable especially for my children.

TLDR: called the cops on my ex for threatening my life even though I live with his parents after leaving the abusive situation two and a half years ago.

  1. Listen, you did the right thing. He may be mentally unstable, but that’s even MORE reason to take threats like that seriously. If he’s unstable, you really don’t know what he will do or what he’s capable of.

    I’m saying this as a person who has mental health issues. Not 1 time in my life have I threatened anyone’s life. There is a huge difference between just having mental issues and being completely unstable and a threat to your life.

    This man abused you. You have reason to be afraid. You know he’s okay hurting you. You should not feel bad for reporting this. I’m so sorry.

  2. You did the correct thing. Mental instabilities or not, a threat is a threat. Breaking a protective order is breaking the order, and has its consequences.

    Who cares if the person is mentally/emotionally unstable, if you break the courts orders it means all the more reason to get serious help.

  3. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

    His parents obviously care about you and the children….and they care about their son…probably more than they care about you or the kids. They can’t see what is right under their nose…that he’s dangerous…not only to you, but also to them and the kids.

    I hope you can find a way to leave very soon.

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