I (20m) have recently been dating my gf(21f) for roughly two months and the topic of body count and previous partners came to topic. To elaborate, she lost her virginity at 20 and accumulated over 20+ bodies within that same year (mine being 5). I’ve already assumed she had a higher count but what bothers me more is the accumulation of that many partners within that short period of time rather than it being overtime. Is it wrong for me to be bothered by it?

Tldr: Insecure of gfs body count due to how fast it was accumulated.

  1. If it bothers you it bothers you, but I just want to let you know this isn’t exactly abnormal for folks who have a sudden sexual liberation. IF she told you she trusts you and your response to it is going to determine if she trusts you going forward. If you can’t move past it that is fine, but I want you to know this will not be a totally uncommon experience going forward. Look at it this way she tried out what she likes and realized she likes you best, pretty high praise.

  2. The only thing I believe could bother you is if she’s truly willing to slow down and just be with you. But that will only resolve itself if you trust her and hope for the best.

    The BC shouldn’t worry you.

  3. You can feel however you want about it, so long as you don’t make it her problem to deal with.

  4. If she was with each partner just once while you were intimate with each of your past partners 5 or more times each, technically, you would have had more sex than her and she’s the one who should be having problems…

  5. Did she experience some sort of abuse, or is she bipolar? There could be few reasons for hyper sexuality. I’d be more concerned about her mental well being and less about your own feelings of inadequacy

  6. She’s not a murdered. She didn’t stack bodies lol.
    I encourage you to consider that 1. She’s got that experience to blow your mind sexually and 2. She chose you over all those guys

  7. You know what screams im not ready to be having sex? By refering to sexual partners as body count.

    Grow the fuck up.

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