Men that were extremely popular in high school, what’s your life like now? And would you change anything from your high school years?

  1. I wouldn’t say I was “extremely popular”, but I had some slight notoriety going on during high school and even college tbh. for a little background, I was always into music production and playing at venues and different shows, which I invited friends and some girls I was attracted to, to come out and support.

    today, I’m still dabbling in the music industry and legal worlds respectively, and I still have most of the friends I met by having them come out to listen to some music. these days, I’m more about working on my professional goals rather than maintaining my status, but I’m very much aware of what energy I kept around me and how much people gravitate towards me.

  2. I was moreso that one quiet kid that said funny shit every now and then, but it got me a decent amount of attention including from the popular crowd. Which in my schools case was mostly the rednecks/football players. I always got asked to join the team because I was 6’3 and their only tall player was 6’5 followed by 5’8.

    I wouldn’t change a thing tbh. I was lackluster in my studies but I was intelligent. If it didn’t interest me I didn’t care. Now I’m in College with straight A’s because I actually want to do what I’m going for. The big problem with HS is there’s really nothing super engaging if you end up in your average high school.

  3. Im in my 40s now and live in the same small town. Still known as a local legend. What I would change is I wouldn’t have drank so often. And I would have put more effort into my schooling so I wouldn’t have to be doing such physical labor now. I could care less how much money I can make in my trade since it takes so much out of my body. Was mostly a party funny man legend and now I cant do that at all anymore so it’s quite difficult to maintain my comedian legend status lol.

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