Women who DON’T like to cook and isn’t very good at it – how does your SO feel about it? Do you feel pressured to have a home cooked meal prepared when they come home from work? What alternative arrangements have you come up with to combat it?

  1. I don’t like to cook, girlfriend doesn’t like to cook. We’re long-distance but when we’re in the same place we just tough it out and make pasta lol

  2. I Just have ready to eat stuff in the fridge like cold cuts and cheese or frozen meal which we freeze when we cook more and stuff. And let him learn how to cook. Women weren’t born cooks or cleaners, we were educated into it by repetition…

  3. I hate cooking. I just hate it. Good thing is my fiancé is a butcher and loves cooking. So he does all of it.

  4. He doesn’t care. He loves to cook. I’m usually the one working late and he has dinner ready for me when I get home. It’s just how our schedules work out, plus he enjoys it. Every once in a while I’ll whip something up and make sure we have a protein, a carb and a veggie. I don’t have the same passion for cooking as him. Also it’s not something we had to “combat,” it just is…

  5. My girlfriend and I both hate cooking lol. But we’re both learning to cook together. We don’t expect meals to be prepared after work, we do it as a team effort because cooking is exhausting. Between planning, preparing, and cleaning it’s just too much for one person IMO.

  6. We live together but from Monday to Friday we eat different meals (I cook all my week meals on the weekend). On the weekend, I cook on Saturday and he cooks on Sunday.

  7. In the first 3-4 years of my relationship I hated to cook. We just ordered food and sometimes my partner cooked. The easiest solution is to divide the housework and let your partner cook for both of you. D

    If not, give it a try, start with easy and fast receipts.

  8. I love to cook and bake. But I work crazy hours like 6days a week and rarely have time.

    So my husband does most of the cooking and has a home cooked meal prepared for me and the kids when I come in from work (he works from home)

  9. I dont hate cooking but I don’t love it either. I generally use my slow cooker quite a bit. You can have curries,stews,roasts,lamb shanks. Spend some time getting that together and you can come and go as you please. Lasts about a week at most maybe more depending on whats been made. I guess I just make large portion of food so it lasts for a few days. Then in the summer it’s mostly just salad. Previous partners never had an issue with it. It was simple cooked food

  10. I’m a decent cook but dislike it. For both of us food prep is just part of being an adult. No, never felt like cooking was my job. Back when we worked fairly even schedules we’d split cooking duties, though whoever is working less picks up any slack. Currently he works two jobs so I do most of the cooking because it makes the most sense time-wise. We work around the same hours in the evening so he’s never getting home to a home cooked meal but I do prep or organize food most nights eventually.

  11. My husband comes from a traditional role family where his mom ALWAYS had a hot home cooked dinner for the family every single night (I did too, maybe explains why I never had to cook anything before). And he made it very obvious he would love nothing more than the same from his wife. I suck. But he’s so encouraging and eats anything I make no matter how terrible.

    15 years later, I make him the most basic plain tasting meal prep meals (for working out), I cook super basic meals for our kids, and then he picks up take out multiples times week for me (probably at least one meal a day). And then both our moms cook elaborate foods for the family. Our hands are just too full for me to bother cooking and cleaning. Maybe when all my kids are a little older it would be more practical for me to cook and they can help me clean too.

  12. I feel no pressure to cook, and my SO doesn’t put any pressure on me. Neither of us like to cook, so he gets it. We just do what we have to and eat some pretty basic stuff

  13. When I can, I try to cook easy meals once a week and freeze them, so the rest of the week is easy. My partner loves to cook and is much better at it than me, but I have more free time than he does. He cooked almost every meal for us for the last 4 years, and now I do most of the cooking, and he eats whatever I give him, whether it’s good or not.

  14. I hate cooking but I love cleaning.

    He hates cleaning but he loves cooking.

    Works out

  15. I was like that before i had kids

    Honestly it just takes practice to build up confidence. Start with just a few recipes to begin with and the more often you do them the better they will come out. Then gradually add more recepies to your repertoire

    I’m an awesome home cook now when 10yrs ago I used to burn pizza haha

    The alternatives are ready meals which are awful unhealthy and still possible to fuck up, or takeaways and eating out which is hideously expensive

  16. He enjoys cooking and I absolutely despise it so most of the time he cooks. I cook for holidays tho, that’s the only time I enjoy and take pride in cooking. Occasionally I will cook meals here and there if it strikes my fancy or when he doesn’t want to but even then, we’ll probably just order in if he doesn’t feel like it. I’ve never felt pressured to have a meal ready for him, he would never demand it and I’m the one with the busier schedule. He retired from the military a few years ago and has been enjoying being a stay at home husband, apparently it’s less stressful and more relaxing than the military lol.

    Basically, we both got lucky and we compliment each other well.

  17. My SO does ***ALL*** of the cooking, including my lunches for work. He knew when he met me, I didn’t cook. I’ll eat a granola bar before I light that stove, and he knows that as well. He likes to cook, so he does. I do other things around the house (like every single indoor cleaning task) so it evens out. He doesn’t complain… I do only when he leaves unnecessary messes for me (spills sauce on the stove, leaves it to harden for me to scrub the next day instead of wiping when he was done cooking)

  18. I come home from work as well. Why should I have the pressure? If I want to cook, I will. If I don’t want and he wants a home cooked meal, he will cook it himself.

  19. My husband has now taken on that responsibility. I also order hello fresh to make it easier on him for a couple meals a week

  20. my husband absolutely never feels pressured, in fact he looks forward to cooking, it’s one of his comfort activities that brings him joy, you should see how happy he is to cook for me. even if he had a long day at work i sometimes suggest to order takeout for him to rest, he’s tells me no and jumps in the kitchen, my husband is a sweetheart

  21. I hate cooking. I’m not very good at it, but I have a lot of easy meals I prepare for us. My husband and I split the responsibility of cooking dinner, though I usually do it more because he works really long hours in a labor job, so he always cleans up when I do have to cook. And he’s just learned to accept that my cooking is okay lol it’s good enough to eat and it’s cheaper than take out all the time so we make do

  22. I like cooking but don’t do it a lot . My SO loves cooking , but lately we’ve been eating out a lot . Normally he cooks tho

  23. My partner likes to cook, as long as I do the meal planning and mise en place, which is fine with me.

  24. Neither of us feel anything about it. No pressure to feed him when he comes home from work, I’m coming home from work later than he does too. It’s not an issue that needs to be combatted or arranged for.

  25. I like cooking alright, and I’ve cooked for me and my children from a previous relationship for years.

    My partner and I got together 4 years ago and he doesn’t care for my cooking. Annoyingly, he always says he does, but he eats dinner with us 1/5 days I cook (I cook weekdays). He always eats the meals he cooks. I used to bend over backwards trying to figure out what he likes, how I could make it better or more suited to his tastes.. then I honestly got sick of it. I wanted to eat things I liked sometimes. Usually, he’ll just order himself food or warm up a microwave meal on my nights, and I have chosen not to feel guilty about that.

  26. We both work full-time, so no. My SO does most of the cooking, I do other chores like laundry.

  27. Ha. My partner does 100% of the cooking.

    I just appreciate the eating part.

  28. It really sucks that most of the responses from women on here is that if they don’t like to cook, they just order takeout because their partner doesn’t like to cook either. Like, guys should want to provide good, healthy food for their spouses too. What a shame.

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