I asked a girl out to a park. There is an entrance fee (around $15 per person), which is not a big deal for me.

Should I be paying for her ticket since I’m the guy and I’m the one who asked her out? Or should I let her pay her own ticket?

  1. I tend to think whoever suggested the activity should pay, but if when you get there she insists on paying her own way, let her.

  2. You invited her to do this with you so you should pay. If she insists on paying her own way, let her, but you should pay since you asked. Not a gender thing so much as an etiquette thing.

  3. If you don’t mind, pay for it but don’t make it a habit if u want 50/50

  4. If it matters to you, discuss it before the date.

    If it doesn’t matter to you, wait till the date and see how she reacts. If she offers to pay, let her.

    If she doesn’t offer to pay, does that say something to you about her?

  5. You invited her common curtesy would be to pay for that and some drinks. Only let her pay if she asks or insists

  6. I always say, whatever works for a couple. But I don’t believe in the bs that whoever invited the other party should pay. Total bs! 99% of the times guys ask the ladies out. This is where the idea of EQUALITY vanishes. That’s how dating works. So it’s funny when women are like yeah he should pay as he inviyed me. Pretty convenient, isn’t it? Equality where it makes sense to me. Ha!

    But I have nothing against a man who wishes to pay. If it works for you, so be it.

    I myself pay for the first few dates. Food, travel, all. But then I do have a conversation about splitting the expenses down the line. I can’t keep on sponsoring everything.


  7. Always do the money grab move when it’s time to pay…for date 1, especially if you did the asking, you pay. If she doesn’t do the wallet grab like she’s about to pay or at least chip by date 4 – pass

  8. I would say, because YOU asked her you should offer to pay, especially since you say it’s not a big deal for you. But if she’s wants to pay for herself no problems with that of course.

  9. I don’t expect a guy to pay, but when I’ve been on dates with guys i don’t worry about paying cuz the guys don’t let me pay initially I’ve noticed. But, I always like to pay for one thing, for example we go there and you paid i would offer to get boba or something after or snack during. But don’t take it personally if she doesn’t, but do make sure you don’t get taken advantage of 😉

  10. Really? What a cheapo asking who should pay for a 15 bucks park entry fee! If it was something big like some expensive concert ticket, vacation, etc. I would understand, perhaps 50/50 but man, you ask her out, to a freakin’ park, and you feel that you need some advice on Reddit who should pay? Jeez!

  11. If you know her and this is a date, then you would pay. If she is a stranger that you’re meeting for the first time then no.

  12. If it were me, I’d prepare to pay for both of us, but not actually say anything about paying to see if she pays. If not I’d take out $30 and shrug.

    Some women will say it’s not a date or you’re not a good man if you don’t pay, do you want to date a woman who charges you up front though?

    What I will say is that if I’m absolutely certain a date will go all the way, I wouldn’t take even a single risk of sabotaging myself.

  13. How old are u guys.

    Is she a feminist or more a traditional girl?

    If she is feminist then insist she pay her fair share on everything. She will respect u for it. If she is traditional then it’s ur job to pay for things.

  14. Traditionally, it would be expected that you would be the one to pay for both tickets, especially since you asked. Even if she offered to pay, I would insist on paying for her.

  15. Definitely pay – you’re the guy, you suggested the activity, and it’s a first date

  16. Dude, it’s $15… just pay her damn ticket, come on. You shouldn’t be trippin’ over trifles.

    If she wants to pay for herself, just say “that’s okay, I got this one. You can get the next one.” — that’s an in for a second date.

  17. If you invite someone somewhere and don’t discuss the cost beforehand I think it’s reasonable of them to assume you’re paying. Otherwise, I’d suggest mentioning the cost in the invitation.

  18. OFFER to pay, it’s a nice gesture and she can decide what she feels comfortable with. I personally hate it when a guy pays for me on a first date. Had one too many experiences of the guy paying and expecting something sexual in return

  19. Yeah, sure let her pay her own ticket. Just know you won’t be boning that woman anytime soon.

  20. Ask her preference. “The park has a $15 entrance fee, I am very happy to either buy your ticket or we each buy our own. What would you prefer?”

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