What’s one piece of advice that you believe men can benefit from?

  1. I should take this advice for myself but fuck what others say. You know who you are and what kind of man you are.

    You’re responsible for your own actions and not the actions of other men. You aren’t bad by default or a monster. You have value in society just like everyone else. You are able to bring good to your local community (no matter how little it is. Even if it’s just helping someone with an act of kindness) and You’re feelings are just as valid as anyone else’s.

    Please get off social media and dating apps and find a hobby that gets you outside. Because social media and dating apps seem to be having a bad mental effect on men. Don’t let these things tear you down and make you feel worthless

  2. The majority of problems in your life are *your* fault, not someone else’s. And even in the cases where they *aren’t* your fault, it’s still your responsibility to fix or accept them.

    And that’s empowering, rather than ‘victim blaming’ or whatever, because it means you have power over your own life. You’re mostly only a victim in life as much as you allow yourself to be.

  3. Lifting weights will likely improve just about every aspect of your life. I have a lot more energy, I look better, I feel better mentally, I’m more confident at work. You don’t have to go crazy and try to win a body building competition but even doing some basic free weight exercises a few times a week will help you in ways beyond your ability to lift more weight.

  4. Male self improvement sees the person as mutable, and the world as immutable. You need to be the best person possible, while accepting the rules of the environment you’re in.

    This is in contrast with female self-improvement, which sees the person as immutable and the world as mutable. So women are taught to accept yourself, but try to change the structure of the society you’re in. “You’re perfect as you are. We must wrap and warp and change the world around you to make you feel better about yourself.”

    tldr: your efforts as a man are best spent investing in fixing your shit, and building yourself into someone women would want to date. But in the sexual marketplace the dating apps have created, if you have to focus on one, focus on your appearance. You’ll get much further in life if you’re beautiful than you will if you’re not.

  5. That big set of tits you’re about to ruin your life over won’t make up for what you went through to get her. It’ll be fun tho so user discretion advised.

  6. Use skincare products that work for your skin (cleanser, moisturizer, skin toner, and exfoliating scrub)

    Use hair care products (no 3 in one bullshit, find a shampoo and conditioner that work well for your hair)

    If you find the right skincare/hair care products it can be a game changer for your appearance.

  7. You are allowed to have emotions and feelings. Not accepting that will mess you up FAST!

  8. Be kind, god-damnit!

    If you’re at a party, and you try to be the smartest guy in the room, or the funniest, or the coolest, or the sexiest…well, unless no one else is trying to be any of those things, you’ll wind up competing, and that means *at least one person* winds up looking bad. If you just try to be the kindest guy… and some other dude rolls up to try and out-kindness you… that can’t really go wrong.

    I’m not saying be a doormat. I’m not saying ‘try to be everyone’s friend’. If anything, you should learn how to be *friendly* without aiming for friendship, because that takes the pressure off the other person.

    I’ve been at a lot of jobs where there’s one guy who everyone likes to work with. Not because they’re fast or smart, but because they’re nice to work with. Try to be like that guy. Try to be the guy at work that people *like* working with. Again, I’m not talking about being a suck-up or trying to make people like you. Just be kind to be kind, and don’t look for anything back.

    Life is longer than you think it’ll be, and it keeps being that way right up until the end, so try to be a person who’s more kind than miserable, and make people around you more happy than miserable, because it’ll make the time you have go by nicer.

  9. Some people will remember whether you were smart/strong/funny/fast/good-looking, but everyone will remember whether you were kind.

  10. Act based on what people *actually* do, not what they *say* they’re going to do.

  11. “Don’t worry about what’s masculine. Worry about what you do and don’t enjoy.”

  12. Fake it until you make it. Mainly with regards to confidence. Many young men today have an issue with self-esteem and self-confidence. Once you stop viewing everything as a competition and practice some self-value, it becomes much easier to carry yourself in a confident way. Don’t ever get cocky though.

  13. The quicker you figure out what you want out of life, the quicker you can start making a plan for how to achieve it

    The years slip by fast

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