So I’m 27M virgin, thanks mormonism. I workout a lot, been going on a lot of dates lately. I’m not really sure how to explain how I feel. I thought I wanted to have a hookup phase and sleep around. I’m not sure if I would be able to settle down with someone who did sleep around if I don’t also do it (am I wrong for feeling this way?). Idk. Like ultimately I think I want a long term relationship eventually but I’m thinking maybe I’ll need an open relationship in order to be happy at this point because of all I’ve missed out on. I feel like crying sometimes when I think about it. Like I know most woman at this age have slept around and had their fun, and idk how I’d feel getting married knowing they did and I missed out on that. I missed out on the best dating years of my life it feels like. Is this true? Like I used to really want to have a lot of good sex (I had a lot of trauma/dissociation from 23-26 or 27 where I felt like I wasn’t even mentally stable enough to be dating or having sex).

Has anyone else been in my situation? And did you need to also explore first before settling down? Or did you just find someone and settle down? Any advice/thoughts appreciated.

It’s kinda sad that I don’t even want sex like I used to, like it feels like I missed out

  1. Enjoy life, enjoy romance, quit worrying about virginity, for yourself or your partner.

  2. Ummmm you aren’t missing out anything sex is toxic it has given me low self esteem nothing more people fucking you and using you and blocking you after isn’t exciting if u want a long term relationship focus on that it will make u much more happier if u feel like u can have sex without attachment than alright do it

  3. Everybody has a different path. There are no rules. Just go on dates, have fun and see where it leads. You have plenty of time to have fun and get married.

  4. It’s a very personal choice to want sex. You should try going on dates with women and see where it leads to. Having multiple sex partners just gives a commitment issues and higher cheating tendencies. There’s nothing much you’re missing out on.

    Go with the flow really. Don’t be desperate for it. Learn about your needs, fetishes, interests and most importantly body before you engage in sex. Knowing about a woman’s body is also important and the needs of a partner.
    All the best to you!

  5. Nope you don’t. Keep it up sir, ain’t nothing wrong with that. Many virgin and non virgin ladies out there who would love an educated, well mannered, creative, respectful, honest, sensitive and confident man. Go get em tiger but don’t forget to be all of those things but most importantly be YOU King. Get educated on what women like in general and you’ll be surprised how many women are just like you. Intimacy with someone you love is a learning experience for both. Get you a woman who loves you the way you want to be love and love her the way she wants to be loved. Take things slow. Good luck 👍

  6. Do u NEED one? Not really. It’s whatever u want honestly.

    I will say u will be happier if/when your are is a loving committed relationship.

    That being said. Of u have no idea what ur doing it’s gonna tank a relationship a lot of times.

    Get into a relationship and have lot of sex in a relationship and go from there. If it works out long term it’s fine. If u guys break up then move on to a new relationship.

  7. My girlfriend was a virgin when we met and if she can not have the sleeping around phase and be perfectly happy with having just one guy her whole life then so can you!

    It kind of inspires me to have wishec I was a virgin when I met her as well. But once you meet that special someone and you’re in love, you won’t care about having other women in the past.

    I would say don’t tell women your a virgin though as that seems to be a turn off for most, unfortunately.

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