So I was best friends with this guy for about 5 years. I was constantly in relationships and I wanted him to confess his feelings for me, but he never did. His other friends said he liked me and would date me but I wanted to hear it from his mouth. I was in a manipulative relationship with someone who emotionally and sexually hurt me. It was hard for me to not leave because he threatened taking his life constantly when I wanted to leave or he would tell me nobody else would ever love me due to my health issues. Fast forward into the future, I had someone notice my situation and they had a crush on me and we immediately related on so many levels. I ended up finally having the courage to leave my abuser and I got with the guy who was flirting with me because I finally felt loved the way I should. The problem is it would go against my best friends morals to make a move on someone who is in a relationship so he never really did. My best friend and I had plans to travel the world together and do so many things. Later in my relationship with my boyfriend I kept talking about my best friend too much and how he’s acting weird since he kept bailing on me due to his new girlfriend. I knew deep down since I never had closure I still had feelings for the guy. I confronted my best friend on why he was acting weird and he said he couldn’t say why yet but he never wanted to lose me in his life. He kept continuously acting weird and I kept talking about it in fear of losing my best friend due to him acting so cold towards me lately. His girlfriend did not want me hanging out with him and I didn’t want to ruin things for him. My boyfriend said it was either him or my best friend so I ended up blocking my best friend with no explanation. I didn’t want to lose my boyfriend I loved especially since it felt like best friend was going to leave soon anyway. Now about a year later my boyfriend hasn’t being treating me the greatest and we actually are taking a break. I really miss my best friend and want to apologize because I have never related to or had that many moments of bliss with anyone else. Would it be right for me to message him again? He seems happy with his life and relationship and I don’t want to make things difficult on him or even get rejected awful as that sounds. It’s been two years since we talked and those feelings keep coming back. I’m not sure if he misses me or hates me at this point. What should I do?

1 comment
  1. If you knew he liked you and you liked him why didn’t you say anything? There’s no real reason why you shouldn’t have, or couldn’t have.

    Honestly if hes happy now you have no right to confess to him. You waited too long. You can try to become friends again, sure. But if he’s in a happy relationship you can’t go in there and blow it up with your feelings when you had all the time in the world before this point to tell him.

    Break up with your current boyfriend and take some time for yourself. Don’t just relationship hop like you have been doing. Be single, work on yourself, and if you want to be friends with this guy, try to be friends.

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