I’m in university and have like no girl friends. There’s maybe 5 or 6 I know from a school club that I say hi to and have brief conversations with but that’s about it. There aren’t any girls I could just text right now and say hey what’s up without it being awkward and out of the blue.

I used to have a good amount of girl friends when I was younger that I texted with/DM’d on Instagram, snap chatted with and talked with in person. Now I don’t really have any.

I’d appreciate if anyone has any tips on how to meet new people and become better friends with the girls I do know.

1 comment
  1. Look for on events on campus or wherever, just something to do, and invite the girls to it when you see them

    In your classes talk to you class mates about the class. Then talk to them about thigs other than class. Then invite the to stuff to hang out. Even just having a meal together

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