Men have Jordan Peterson and a host of others influencing them and these people although women can take from them, there seems to be a lack of women that focus on a women’s perspective and embrace humility and society.

Do you look up to any principle or figure of guidence?

  1. Kristina Kuzmic is amazing and has so much good advice and guidance. I absolutely adore her.

  2. I don’t, because the whole premise of a lot of “self improvement influencers” seems to be people who think the song Fitter Happier by Radiohead is a good thing.

  3. I don’t see the need for that. If I need guidance to improve myself, I speak to my friends, family, and/or therapist. A stranger on the internet who isn’t even talking to me specifically is never going to be as helpful as people who actually know me.

  4. Personally, it’s my granny. Cause she’s amazing, and has 101 years of experience and stories to tell.

    In famous people… I like Emma Watson. Her way from a young actress to a strong, confident UN embassador is inspiring.

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