For instance, I always seem to be immediately attracted to men who are smokers for some reason…

I don’t smoke myself and am allergic to smoke lol

What are some weird quirks you’re attracted to?

  1. Chick with sleeve tattoos always turns me on unless it’s a picture of her ex then it is not hot.

  2. Girls speaking English in heavy accents. Mainly Irish, Scottish, Spanish or French accents.

  3. Met a woman who had a lisp once and it made me attracted to her, I would ask her tons of questions just to hear her talk for hours.

  4. I’m attracted to tall women, who have accomplished something noteworthy: become the youngest partner at their lawfirm, got a graduate degree, moved halfway around the world to start life fresh.

    The women that other men describe as ‘intimidating’, I want to get to know.

    Now, what if I were to tell you that the reason you find smokers attractive is because of the norm breaking and independence needed to take up the habit? Despite everything we know about how awful and deadly tobacco is, these guys made the conscious choice to smoke, meaning they give few fucks about societal norms or conforming. Remember, those with few vices also often have few virtues.

  5. Where I live you almost never see women wear skirts so a woman actually wearing one feels like a quirk and I think they’re attractive.

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