for context me(19M) and this girl (19F) decided that we should not talk to each for a while and just catch up soon. The reason being is because this past 2 weeks she’s been really really busy with school and super exhausted and frustrated with it to the point where she’d rather scroll on tiktok, post stories on insta, share posts on facebook, or talk to her best friends than talk to me because well, she’s tired after a very long day (she gets home around 7-8pm and will do her assignments and all that) ever since she started to get real busy with everything at school she’s become different towards me, like she’ll only reply to me, not talk to me, send one word texts (sometimes), inconsistent updates, or seemingly uninterested in text, hot and cold, but she’s never dry or cold when it comes to texting her friends. Basically she’s not the lovergirl anymore like she used to be when we first started. i confronted her in a calm way that i wanted her to update me when she’s busy rather than leaving me on delivered for 1 or 2 hours and noticed that she’s been acting different when it comes to me. She got mad or irritated at me so it turned to a big arguement. several hours later after the big arguement she sent me a long message that she’s sorry for being toxic and acting different lately its because she’s just really tired and frustrated with everything and told me we’ll just talk soon. It’s been 6 days of no contact I need help on what to do, i really miss her and leaving her or moving on is not my plan rn idk if i should reach out now or wait for her to be finished with everything at school and maybe just reach out there? im really new to relationships, this is my first love and i dont want to start over on another girl, i want this first love to last.

tl;dr me (19M) and my girl (19F) have not been talking for 6 days and im thinking of reaching out to her when she’s the one who decided to not talk for awhile

  1. It sounds like she’s just really stressed out right now. Maybe offer to help her with her schoolwork to show your support?

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