If someone is having sex in a hostel room and they end up having to clean up sperm using the hostel’s towel, is it alright to just leave it in the room for the hostel owner/cleaner to take care of? If not, how should the situation be handled correctly?

  1. Try to use tissues for cum if possible. Why would you need a towel specifically?

  2. Um, I and millions of others have used hotel towels to mop up cum. The cleaners use gloves and really do not look closely at your dirty linens. They all get washed later anyway. Just leave ten bucks for the cleaning staff if you are embarrassed about it

  3. You are very considerate. Ladies sometimes get their period on the bedsheets so the owners are probably grateful for just a bit of jizz on a towel.. goes with the job. Just chuck it in the bath or shower when you go, don’t hang it up for the next person lol

  4. I’ve been the person who cleans the room. A little cum on a towel is nothing. We just grab it and put it in the laundry 🤷🏻‍♀️ no big deal don’t worry about that !

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