My sister is starting a new year of college and a new job (from home), so she’s coming to live with me today. She was living with me from last March until last November, when she quit her job and finished college for the year (we live in the southern hemisphere).

My sister and I have a nice relationship, although my known lack of communication (I have a hard time telling other when I’m annoyed) and her messy nature (vs my over the top need for cleanliness) has been a source of problems before.

We had some issues last year living together and I don’t want them to happen again. We’re very different. I’m very introverted, I like quiet. I’ve also been living in this apartment without breaks for almost 7 years. She’s very outgoing, noisy, has lots of friend. She has the smallest room, my room is the biggest one. She doesn’t have a desk in her room, for example. I do, since I’ve been WFH for over 4 years now (and I was already living here before she moved in). This made sense at the time mostly because she was out all the time, for college, and her last job wasn’t remote. This is her first time WFH.

There are two common tables, one is kind of a “breakfast table” (not exactly, but I don’t know how you call these in English) inside the kitchen and another is in the living room/dining room/common area. She also has one of those tables that attach to the sofa. Now, since she will be working from home, but she doesn’t have a desk, I want to suggest that the breakfast table can’t be used for anything but eating or cooking. It has happened before that I wanted to make lunch or dinner or a cup of coffee and I can’t because she has all her books and notepads on the table and there’s no room – or she’s inside the kitchen, studying. It’s very uncomfortable. I’m mostly in my room all day, I only come out to eat or go out, so she’s free to use the common area.

So, I’ve designed some “rules” that I want to share with her when she comes, but I don’t want to be pushy or insensible. I’m not trying to be a dictator – if she’s not OK with any of these rules, we can talk about them. But I also wanted to ask you, people of Reddit, to let me know if these rules are sensible and if I should suggest anything else (if you have experience living with roomates or family).

All these “rules” come from situations that happened in the past year.

*• Do not leave clothes or shoes in the living room.*

*• Do not accumulate things on the breakfast table. No keys, used tissues, cards, wallets.*

*• Remove hair from the shower after showering.*

*• Always leave a new dry towel after showering.*

*• Always replenish soap and toilet paper.*

*• Wash dishes and pans after using them.*

*• Go over the placemats with a cloth after eating to keep them clean.*

*• At the breakfast table you eat or cook, nothing else.*

*• Warn in advance when a guest is coming over – no surprise visits from friends or boyfriends.*

*• Do not eat each other’s food. If something is eaten, permission is requested and it is replaced as soon as possible.*

*• Do not occupy all the fruit or freezer drawers.*

*• The food in the freezer is always in a bag or tupperware. No loose food.*

*• Common supermarket purchases are paid for when they are made* (note: she still owes me a few bucks from last year, and I don’t plan to request she pays me, but I don’t want this to happen again).

*• General hygiene in the bathroom* (once, she left a used diva cup with period blood in the bathroom sink for me to find).

*• If something we both use runs out, it is replaced (toilet paper, kitchen paper, soap, herbs, sweetener, etc.).*

*• Do not take new things from the kitchen cabinet if they are already washed and dried in the dishwasher. If the dishwasher is full, empty it of things that are already dry before placing new things inside.*

**Tldr; I want your opinion on the set of rules I want to suggest to my sister-roomate before she moves in, to avoid any issues.**

1 comment
  1. Given your list and your sisters behavior… be prepared for some of those rules to be broken.

    While, it is your home and your rules should be respected… I would assume a lot of people would have a hard time adhering to everything flawlessly. Something is bound to be broken along the lines IMO.

    It would also make sense for her to have dedicated desk if she is WFH.

    Anyways… You two sound like complete extreme opposites and this is about being aware of each-other’s personality.

    * She: Could understand that this is your place and could put in more effort into doing things your way.
    * You: Could be forgiving if she makes a mistake occasionally.

    As long as there is progression and effort, that’s the important thing.

    So, Id suggest a talk with her and communicate the things you were upset about last time (non-confrontational).

    Rooming with people is hard. You have different personalities and habits. To find synchronization is challenging. I would hate to see one slip up create a conflict.

    I think the key would be not to fight about things. Just communicate nicely, add reminders. Set a limit to how many reminders you want to give before escalating.

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