Everyone mentioned is in their 20s.

For some background, I’ve known my friend “Rory” for almost a decade. She’s one of my closest friends and, with my other friend “Ava”, we’ve supported each other through some tough times.

Rory got into a relationship with her girlfriend “Tina” about a year ago, and Ava and I were extremely supportive since she had gotten her heart broken in the past. The heartbreaks lead to her feeling the need to have another person in her life. However, the Rory and Tina’s relationship has been super rocky. Tina has cheated on Rory several times, constantly manipulates her, and generally doesn’t care about Rory’s feelings.

One recent example: Rory would play video games with a girl online and Tina and told Rory it made her uncomfortable. So Rory cut communication with the girl completely and that was that. Now, Tina has a friend (m) who is super flirty with her and she lets the friend act however. Of course, this makes Rory uncomfortable, and Rory tried to explain that to Tina, citing the situation with her gaming friend she stopped talking to for Tina. But Tina said that it was Rory’s choice not to talk to Rory’s gaming friend anymore and it’s her (Tina’s) choice to continue to talk to Tina’s guy friend. All while calling Rory insecure. Rory shared this with Ava and me, and said that Tina’s friends would call her insecure too. We explained to her that she had every right to share how she felt, and how Tina’s reaction wasn’t fair.

Here’s the part that makes me feel horrible, and I’d appreciate input.

Rory, Ava, Tina, and I have a group chat “A” while Rory, Ava, and I have a separate group chat “B”. This may get confusing, so I apologize in advance. We all spoke recently in chat A, so it was near the top of my messages. In chat B, we were just joking and talking about dumb shit. Then in chat A, Rory makes a joke and tells us to talk to Tina. I respond something along the lines of “Only when she treats you the way you should be treated and considers your feelings,” not knowing it was chat A WITH Tina in it.

Now Tina’s upset with Rory for talking to Ava and me about their relationship. I didn’t want to create problems for my friend, and I wish I could take back the message. Ava says the message was a blessing in disguise, but I never meant to send it in chat A and now I feel like shit because I know Rory is devastated.

So, AITA for sending the message and what should I do now?

1 comment
  1. I wouldn’t support cheating in any way. Good that Rory knows about it. Now maybe she can find some that loves her and not living the lie anymore.

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