Today in school it was a table of 5 ppl including me. Literally throughout the whole lesson not one person talked to me. They talked to each other and they weren’t part of the same friend group, in fact 2 of the people were literally my friends. Only time someone talked to me was the teacher saying I didn’t do enough work, which pissed me off because I did more than anyone else on the table.

I know this isnt some ghosting shit aswell because we are 16 and 17 and this always happens. Theres instances where people would ask other people to ask me something for them, literally no one wants to talk to me. Every few days I’m like to myself “it’s time to change” and I look for advice and apply it, but after 3 whole years of being socially left out and suicidal honestly I’ve had enough. I’ve already accepted I’m never finding love in my life, I’ve already accepted after school ends I’m going to have no friends.

I rlly dont want to share this, but it’s gone to the point where I have a hatred of people, and anytime theres a shooting or a murder story or whatever I start actually feeling happy. I need help.

1 comment
  1. Make friends thru things you enjoy. Dont worry about friends right now focus on what you like doing. Once youre actively in a world you want to be in youll meet people like you with simular interests. I worked fast food for 5 years. Was never able to vibe with anyone there. I thought i was the problem but it turns out i was surrounded by the wrong crowd. Im in construction now and holy cow i have so much i want to talk about which is very weird for me since im not a very talkative person. Its taking a little time to get used to it since i do find myself claming up around certain people.

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