Are you the type of person who needs to sleep with the TV on? Do you prefer absolute silence? What do you listen to, if at all, when you go to sleep?

  1. For some reason no TV I own has a sleep function, so I put on an NPR podcast, turn the volume to where I can just barely hear it, and then set a sleep timer for 20 minutes.

  2. I need to listen to the radio, I usually listen to classic rock or classic hits, 70’s – 90’s. I find it hard to sleep with no noise.

  3. I stream old TV shows or movies that I’ve seen many times. Something I’ve seen enough that I won’t open my eyes and start watching. I keep the volume just high enough to make my tinnitus bearable.

  4. I definitely prefer quiet. Some white noise is acceptable so long as it’s not very loud. Voices and recognizable sounds are a no go if I actually want to sleep.

  5. I like listening to old time radio shows with my ear buds in. They last between 25 and 30 minutes, enough time for me to fall asleep. Then, when the show ends, there is no sound at all.

  6. I put on an 8 hour thunderstorm video on my tv. Works absolute wonders if you’re the type of person that falls asleep to the sound of rain

  7. Brown noise, silence or irl night sounds. Opened my window last night and listened to some bugs singing and what sounded like a short gun fight then silence fallowed by someone emptying a clip. Slept like a baby

  8. Oldies but goodies, there’s a YouTube channel that creates really good ambiences with those

  9. I’ve also got tinnitus, but it generally takes the form of white noise, and sometimes sounds like it left the water running in the other room.

  10. I just put on random music playlists at low volume. At that point it doesn’t even matter what’s playing.

  11. Computer fans. So, basically, white noise. Dead silence is creepy. I can’t sleep with music or radio or television, though.

  12. I live on a lake so having the door open, the sounds of the wildlife around and the water lapping against the house is perfect for me.

  13. White noise because the neighbor has Fox fucking news on 24/7 loud enough to hear mumbling through the walls and complaints have done nothing.

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