32F here, first time poster, not quite sure how this goes, apologies in advanced 😅

I’m curious if this is a me issue, if its common, or maybe I’m not doing things right. I’ve been with my SO (32M) for 10 years now, and within the past year we’ve started getting into using toys to help with me getting off. Not that we had much issues with that but it has def made things easier 🤭 Since that has started I’ve noticed that when he uses a vibrator on my clit, after a while I just start to feel a weird sensation that makes me want him to stop, it feels kind of like I have to pee. When this happens I tend to clasp my legs together and ask him to stop. He says that I need to ride it out as this is what I’m supposed to be feeling. But I don’t quite enjoy the sensation. It feels very different to my DJ moments when I’m rubbing myself.

Anyone else ever experience/or heard of this. Should I be riding this out and letting whatever happen happen? Or is there something wrong with me? 😮‍💨

  1. Have you tried using the vibrator alone? You could experiment with “riding out” the sensation without having to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of him. Explore yourself!

  2. I’ve experienced it, for me riding it out made me squirt, but I didn’t actually feel like I had an orgasm and actually prefer hands over toys.

  3. A few possibilities:

    * You just don’t like clitoral vibration.
    * The vibrator is being held on your clit too directly and you might prefer to use it through your clitoral hood or even through your labia for a more indirect sensation.
    * If the vibrator is super buzzy (i.e. high-pitched, surface-level vibrations) as opposed to rumbly (low-pitched vibrations that can be felt more deeply in the flesh), that might be why it feels annoying or irritating. Most people prefer rumbly vibrations.

  4. For some women, “riding it out” is what let’s them get over the hump and climax when they feel like they have to pee while something is making them feel good.

    You can pee before hand if you’re worried about actual pee.

    You don’t **have** to do this if you don’t want to. But for some people this form of exploration is worth the pay off.

  5. Thanks everyone for the info and advice!

    We had the conversation this weekend about how I felt it was just too overstimulating and not enjoyable, and it definitely helped ☺️👍 I think I was more afraid to bring it up to him because I thought something maybe was wrong me 😅

    It’s definitely something I feel I should “explore” on my own, before letting go in front of him 😛

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