I have been in quite a fight the past day now. I am a recovering porn addict. I have been clean for 6ish months now and have been staying away from it. The other day while I was gone I was listening to some music on spotify (which I haven’t done in a long time) and stumbled across some audio porn that I had like a while back. I ended up getting sucked into it for about 15 minutes and ended up leaving later.

I ended up telling my girlfriend and now she is pissed at me. We have been together for about 5 months now. I know what I did was wrong. I wasn’t trying to get into anything like that. When it happened it just happened. She is very mad because she knows that I had to be picturing other women besides her. I know I am very much in the wrong and she wants to forgive me but I want some advice on what we should do next in order to re-establish trust. Thank you Reddit

  1. >I want some advice on what we should do next in order to re-establish trust.

    What would an alcoholic have to do if he falls off the wagon and his partner doesn’t trust him any more? He’d attend meetings, day one, build up his chits, start over.

    You’re an addict. You fell off the wagon. You need to start over, as if it was day one again, just like when you started 6 months ago.

  2. If she’s pissed over some porn she’s going to be a problem later on. That some real insecurity there. 5 months is also when the honeymoon period of dating ends and you get to see who they really are.

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