How many pairs of jeans (full leg) do you own?

  1. At least 30. I’m not gonna count because I don’t want to get late buyer’s remorse lmaoo

  2. Not sure I own any at this point. Maybe 1? I’d have to go look to confirm if I have any.

  3. 5 – a nice skinny pair, a skinny pair for messy work, a flare pair, a black skinny pair, white skinny pair

  4. Zero.
    I refused to be constricted by a piece of fabric like that.
    It all skirts and dresses for me.

  5. Five, I just got 2 new pairs over Christmas that are a different style. So I don’t feel like I have too many pairs

  6. too many. 30+ maybe.

    but i never wear them. there’s only 2 i wear consistently or a pair of overalls.

  7. Two, and I really only wear one pair cause they fit better. I loathe jeans. Leggings are the way to go.

  8. At least 20 probably closer to 30. I also have close to 30 pairs of pajama pants. Probably like 15 pairs of scrub pants, and 10 pairs of dress pants. I buy high quality clothes that last a long time, and at 36 I weigh the same I did at 16.

  9. Two. One bootcut and one skinny, and I don’t feel the need for a third.

  10. I have 5, but only regularly wear 3. Skinny black and indigo blue, and some mid-blue straight cut.

  11. Zero. I hate jeans. I’ll wear any other pants first. The closest I come to jeans is jeggings or jean shorts occasionally.

  12. two that currently fit, five or so more that I keep telling myself I’ll fit into again

  13. 5! Though 2 are flared and the others so relaxed they’re almost like pajamas haha.
    I usually wear them when I don’t want to put in too much effort but still want to look put together. So jeans and a blouse/ top/ shirt it is!

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