Hi all. Recently I’ve been feeling a craving to socialize. While I have friends I can hit up, most of them are either busy with their significant others, or working or just straight up don’t want to go out. With that being said, I’ve been looking for a social hobby where I can go and meet people around my age on a weekly basis. I’ve looked into sports leagues but there aren’t really any near me I can join. I like cars, fishing, and rock climbing. Pretty much all Meet Up groups are just full of people way older than me, like in retirement age, so I’ve stopped looking there. Some things I’ve considered is taking up a fighting sport. Any other ideas?

  1. In my 20s I had a lot of fun playing paintball. We had a few groups who’d throw big events once or twice a month. Made some friends through that and we ended up doing poker night once a week. People that played paintball were between 16 and 40 years old, good mix of people.

  2. I dontnknow why guys at that age don’t read. Just read a lot bro , audio books if nothing .

    Reading is something guys of this age don’t do a lot and this will stand you out .

    Plus, a fighting sport or at least lifting would be great

    You still seem to be an interesting guy to talk to, having these to additionally will make you a God of socialization

  3. Check out your local board game shop. Tons of awesome board game and people of all ages meet every week and play games.

  4. I spent from 20-32 working like a dog. Building my career, and saving what is a lot of money to me. For some reason I felt I had to pay my house off which I did at 32. That was like the finish line for me. I looked around and all I really had was my career, my balance sheet, my friends and family. No hobbies outside of that.

    Brother I went crazy. 2 years later I’m racing dirt bikes, I’m scuba diving, I’m stamping my passport, I’m hunting, I’m shooting rifle/pistol competitions, I’m on a bi weekly trivia team. Just go do the next thing that comes up that might be fun.

  5. I hang out with people of all ages and have my entire life. That could be limiting your circle.

    Skeet shooting.

    Road / Mountain biking.

    jujitsu/martial arts / boxing



    take a class

  6. Depends what you’re looking to find. If you’re looking for gals: weight lifting, martial arts, archery, and shooting. If you are looking for guys: painting classes, quilting, baking/cooking classes, and the like

  7. Gardening is fun. You can get some seeds, dirt and containers at most department stores for about $20 total.

  8. Have you been to rock climbing gyms? In my experience it’s pretty easy to meet people and there is a lot of camaraderie.

  9. Find something heavy, pick it up off the ground, and then put it back down. Repeat ad nauseum

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