TLDR; want to tell mother to honor commitments but scared she will think that I think (which I don’t) that kids are nuisance.despit it having nothing to do with them.

So I (28M) recently met this girl (30F) via an online game. We’ve text all the time and our chemistry is great. I am a bit nervous about her having 4 kids but I love kids so that’s not the issue.

We had made plans to do an in-game once in a lifetime Event a month ago with 2 other people but she bailed on us and started the event with other people hence leaving us dry. It was a pretty big deal as we’re prepping for months and getting everything in order and to bail on the promised day was infuriating to say the least. This isn’t the first time she’s done this and we’ve talked about giving people heads up early so they can take action accordingly but I’m afraid it might have fallen on deaf ears.

I want to talk to her about this before we become serious. We respect the fact that we tell each other the truth and can hold adult conversations but I’m scared that she might think it’s because of her kids and I find them a nuisance. I DO NOT. I understand things get in the way last minute and especially if you raising toddlers but this and some other were isolated incident from her kids and I can’t get serious with someone who doesn’t take commitment seriously.

UPDATE: so I hadn’t brought the issue up yet I texted her this morning to say hi but said she wanted spacecause she was burnt out and wanted to spend time with kids. I respected it and told her to message me when she’s free… Whats bugging me now is that she’s chatting with her ex while telling me not to bug her.

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