I have been out of town and I recently found out my bf was researching local prostitutes and followed one on his social media.

He at first lied and said he didn’t even know she was a prostitute and he just followed her because he was curious. After I kept asking him over and over, he finally admitted he was looking up prostitutes in our area and got curious to see what one looked like, so he followed her on his personal social media account.

He claims he had no intention of doing anything inappropriate.

I should add that we have not been having sex at all. He doesn’t want to with me hardly ever. This has been an ongoing problem for months and he claims he has an issue with low testosterone.

He’s saying he was just fantasizing about getting with a prostitute and took it too far.

I did more digging and found out she works at the local brothel and she also provides house calls and FaceTime/texting. It’s bothering me this happened while I was out of town.

How do I handle this situation?

UPDATE: We had a long discussion about everything last night. He denies that he ever had the intention of actually reaching out to this escort. He says he only followed her on Instagram because her account was on private and it was something he was curious about. He denies that he would ever hook up or do anything outside of our relationship. He also came clean that he has a severe porn addiction and it has gotten so bad normal porn doesn’t do it for him anymore. That’s why he started this fantasy of prostitutes. He says he’s been struggling with the porn addiction for years and was too embarrassed to say anything. He made an appointment with a sex addiction therapist and offered to have me join him. He says he really wants to be with me and work things out. I have no idea what to do and I’m torn.
TL;DR I caught my bf looking up local prostitutes while I was gone. He’s denying he had any intentions of doing anything with them

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