I met this girl on the internet last January. (I’ll mention she lives in Russia), she has since became one my closest friends, we video chat often we really enjoy hanging out and spending time with each other. She’s beautiful, kind, just an amazing person. I feel like she might be the one. The last time we video chatted was last week and she tells me she got into a big fight with her twin sister and she breaks down in tears to me over it. I do everything to comfort and listen to her. Then I decided it was a good time show her the postcard I made for her for Woman’s day and she loved it, her upset tears turned into happy tears, I completely changed her mood for her. I then tell her how much I care about her, and what she means to me and that she always go to me for anything which is only making her cry more happy tears. I know there is a lot of uncertainty for the future given the news and LDRs aren’t easy but should I ask her to be my girlfriend?

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