What is one thing a person can do to get out of the “friend zone”?

  1. The “friend zone” doesn’t exist, it’s just a term guys who got rejected use

    If you have a friend who doesn’t see you as a partner, it’s not because they’re “friend zoning” you, it’s because they don’t have any feelings beyond friendship with you

    Or they think you’d be a garbage partner.

  2. Nothing. If I wanted to be in their fuck zone, I would’ve made my intentions clear. Sucks that they don’t want to be friends though. C’est la vie.

  3. Agreed that there is no such thing as ‘the friend zone.’ People are either attracted to you, or they are not. If someone isn’t attracted to you, there is nothing that you can do to make them attracted.

  4. The best thing to do is to just be direct, if you haven’t done that, and move on if you don’t get a clear yes.

  5. Friendship is a privilege, not a some purgatory, punishment, or consolation prize. 🙂

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