ok as stupid as this sound, i need some help. me and a friend went out to get some food, she offered to helped pay first because i only had cash and the store uses contactless payment method. now the problem is i have yet to pay her and we parted ways. we will only see each other 2 days later.

do u guys pay back each other in cash? and is it weird if i pay her back in cash? i also dont have any bank account here because i recently came here to study. no paypal either…

edit: another question. i understand that u guys have a tipping culture so when i pay her back, it is ok to pay her back exactly the amount right? (eg $7.54) im just a broke kid in college 😭

  1. Nearly everyone has at least one payment app: PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle. I’m sure there are others. Whatever someone uses, use that. Most of those apps allow you to send a request. That’s how my wife and I share expenses.

    My bank’s portal allows me to send money as well if I know someone’s bank account, but I think the last time I used that was like a decade ago.

  2. I think most Americans would find it odd to be paid in exact change by a friend. If your half of the bill was $9.54, most Americans would give their friend a $10 bill (if they paid them back in cash).

  3. Cash is King. In fact it’s the only royalty we have in the US. Oh and usually people would just round up and hand her a $10 bill.

  4. If you had cash then and she didn’t fuss about it, then I would suggest instead of paying her back directly, you pick up the tab the next time you meet.

    Picking up the tab is something with friendships that may end up going back and forth just as situations changed.

    If you do give cash back directly, do not give exact change. Instead, round up to the nearest even dollar. If $9.50, give $10. If $12, give $15. This isn’t so much a tip as showing you are returning what she paid for you, but are not obsessing over the exact charges.

  5. Easiest way to do it is to just buy lunch next time. Otherwise Venmo or cash for whatever you owe her is fine.

    For tips you should probably just pay half of whatever the tip was.

  6. You can just pay back cash.

    Don’t obsess over the exact amount – $8 will be fine. However, if *what she paid for* included a tip, you should include your share of the tip in the calculation.

  7. I barely ever pay my friends with cash. CashApp, paypal or directly from my bank. Usually CashApp though.

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