So recently i decided to let my friends know I have a gf. Some of my friends just ask normal questions such as where i met her, what school she goes to etc… I have this one friend that really wanted to know if I fked her. He seemed pretty persistent on it and he was even asking my other friend if he knew. Now initially my thought process was to keep everything sexual thing i did with my gf private out of respect for my gf (i assumed she wanted to keep it private) but when i ask my gf if she wanted me to keep these things private she said she doesn’t care lmao. So now the question is she i tell my friends about these kind of things if they ask?

  1. If she says she doesn’t care I don’t see why not. My girlfriend told me not to so I don’t. Communication is key

  2. do you want to divulge that stuff?

    beyond that, I would absolutely not tell that one friend in particular anything. that behavior sounds obsessive to a potentially harmful extent

  3. Dude, no. It’s incredibly immature to share those very important and private moments that you’ve reserved with someone you actually love and care about. You want be a “bro, guy, one of the fellas” or do you want to be someone’s partner and rock. Because one of those takes a level of maturity and trust. Just my take though. I’m sure everyone has their own perspectives.

  4. I dont kiss & tell
    I dont share pics I recieve.
    I dont share nitty-gritty, sexual details about dates or nights out.

    When asked, I give the buddies a tale so outlandish their unable to maintain composure.

  5. No. That’s some scumbag shit and your friends won’t actually respect you for it.

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