I am a 20M in university. Last week before my midterm I saw this pretty girl for the first time while walking to class. When I finished my exam I saw her again sitting down near where I took my exam.

I sat on a chair a couple feet away contemplating if I should go talk to her or not for like 10 minutes. I decided not to do it and walked to my car to get ready to leave. I decided to walk back to where I saw her because I thought I would regret not trying.

I went up to her and asked for her name. She told me her name but I feel like she was somewhat uneasy. I told her I came up to her becasue I thought that she was really pretty and that I couldn’t leave without saying anything. She replied “thanks” in an awkward way and kind of laughed. I wasnt sure if I should’ve kept going or not but I still asked for her instagram. She replied saying she didnt have one and slightly laughed and didnt say anything else after that. I think this was just her way of rejecting me but, hey, that’s life. After that, I just walked away.

I think that that I probably wasn’t too confident and probably had an off voice when speaking to her but I think this experience will help me do better in the future. I feel like if I had better body language and tone of voice the outcome may have been way better but I am still happy that I at least tried.

I’m proud of myself but have been cringing a bit when remembering it all. I wish I wasn’t so nervous when talking and wish I was more confident. I’m not sure if I just wasnt her type or if I was not confident enough with my look, body languge, and speech. The fact that she slightly laughed at me twice kind of hurt my confidence and feelings but, hey, theres nothing I can do but to be better the next time.

I’ve asked girls for the instagram before but they were usually classmates and this girl was just a random one I saw. I htink the nervousness I displayed recently was lower than it was previously since mmy heart was beating less, I was able to calm myself down right before.

Overall, I’m proud of myself and wanted to share my story because I felt like it would make me stop cringing when talking about it. Lately, I’ve been wanting to explore the dating world and this is part of my journey. I will continue trying to cold approach. I’m trying to build confidence so that I don’t feel nervous when walking up to a pretty girl. I also want to fear rejection less.

Thanks for listening to my story!

  1. You were too direct with your intentions and very awkward about it. No harm in trying though, takes some courage on your part.

  2. She noticed you being afraid and pissing your pants for 10 minutes before you finally got the balls. It was already too late though because she already figured out you are a scared loser.

  3. Well done but need to work on your material, see if there’s any any decent footage of daygame/cold approach online. Don’t just walk up to her and tell her she’s pretty

  4. Perhaps instead of coming off with a hard compliment saying she was really pretty you could have sparked a conversation more around the environment you were in. Classic examples are talking about the course, university, commenting on the lecture topic, recent quiz, campus event, etc.

    You can ease your way into complementing her with something less generic than saying she is pretty (beautiful women get this complement all the time). Maybe say you like the earrings she’s wearing or you love the boots she has on

    At the end you can play it cool and add her on Facebook or get her number to see if she wants to study sometime (even better if you have a study group!) Things like this worked really well for me in undergrad when talking to women

  5. You did fine! be proud! Try again, it will work eventually and the rest will be history.

  6. A lot of the time girls will do that awkward laugh thing as an automatic response and I don’t think she was laughing AT you or anything haha, maybe next time !

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