What is your perfect idea of a date night?

  1. Something fun. Zoo, hike, bowling, movie, picnic, hell just strolling around a mall is nice sometimes.

  2. Cooking a lovely dinner for her with a bottle of fine wine and jazz music on the background. Having the dinner while having deep conversations. After that depends on how is chemistry between us; either sitting and getting under the same blanket with watching some stuff together or sitting on the balcony and smoking together and depends on how is the chemistry and intensity between us, most probably ends with either cuddling and kissing or having an intense and passionate sex.

  3. Honestly, something simple. My now wife and I spent our first few days just talking. Driving around, talking about our past. We both came from abusive relationships so trust was hard to come by. Coffee and driving lol. I like communication, it’s something that was lacking in my dating life. That’s why just talking was nice

  4. My favorite GF wanted to get fucked first, and go out second. She would be naked and ready when I arrived at her place. Then after satisfying both of our sexual needs we would be relaxed and cozy while going out to dinner and entertainment. It worked a lot better than coming home late after dinner and half drunk from the bar before trying to find energy for sex. It’s good to do the most important activity first.

  5. I would have to say April 25th, because its not too hot not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!

  6. Finding somebody to watch my Special Needs Adult Son so that The Missus and I can go have a few hours of fun alone.

  7. Woman here, but weighing in anyway. Guy who goes to the driving range with me to hit a few buckets, go home and have sex, then grab some takeout, a bottle of Glenrothes, and watch a movie. Then have sex again.

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