I am 17 yo guy, got really less friends and also never go any girls despite having good looks. Recently, I joined new school made many friends but it seems like they never value me and not respecting. Why I can’t make strong bonding with friends. Despite being good person I respect them but they never value me and also does not like to hangout with me.
All my friends are really high valued many students respect them and also the high valued girls fall in love with them. All students want to be friend with them . They have really the big social circle but I don’t have any.
Seems like they don’t care bout me.
These things really affect my self and my confidence.i don’t feel confident anymore!

  1. I did this and it boosted my confidence and self esteem greatly.

    Pick something that is difficult for you to do, then do it. For me it was traveling alone while overseas during school. I was terrified but after I’d done it I felt wonderful. I knew I could handle difficult tasks and come through okay.

    Challenge yourself, then do it.

  2. By high value, do you mean popular?

    Popularity isn’t really a thing once you leave school. The world is too big. What matters more is friends who are genuine.

    I was left by my popular friends and it was lonely. But then I hung out in the nerdy groups and everyone was nice. I’d rather have awkward but genuine friends compared to popular but fake friends.

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